COVID-19 Monthly Food Distribution

The Sickle Cell Disease Foundation focuses on the health and safety of the sickle cell community. Over the last several months, food insecurity has made a significant impact on families in our community. In response to this growing demand, we are now offering a Food Program in Los Angeles and Ontario, CA, on the third week of each month. The continuation of this program depends on the availability of funds. 

If you are an individual with SCD or a caregiver of a person with SCD who has been directly affected by Covid-19, you may register for our new Food Program. Clients can register for this program monthly. All clients will be required to pick up their food boxes from the selected location chosen on their reservation form. 

How does it work?

  • Fill out the online reservation form 

  • Receive a reservation confirmation e-mail

  • Receive instructions on how to schedule your pick up 

Safety Protocol 
The safety of our staff, volunteers, and community remains our highest priority. We are taking extra precautions, including packing food boxes while masked and gloved. All food boxes will have the same non-perishable items in them. 
If you have any questions, or concerns, please contact our Program Coordinator, Betty Lucataro at


FDA Approves First Gene Therapies to Treat Patients with Sickle Cell Disease.


COVID-19 Emergency Fund