Make a donation and make a difference

Differencea significant change in or effect on a situation. This is what you mean to us.

For far too many, on too many days to count, you are THE DIFFERENCE.
The difference between a painful existence and a hopeful're the difference.

What you do and all that you give makes the difference in our ability to service those countless individuals who live daily with Sickle Cell Disease. When you give of your time, you are the difference between overworked and taxed staff members and professionals with enough energy to serve our purpose.

When you speak on our behalf, you are the difference between one child's unheard cry and a community's resounding voice.

When you, our partners in total success remind us that we are not alone in this struggle to provide for
a scarcely seen population with a life altering disease, you become the difference.

Between holidays and just another day.
Between just getting by and making it through together.
Between where do we go now, and let us walk together.
You have been the difference.
In a struggling mothers' confusion and the hope for her family.
In a life of sheltered existence and the experience of the open outdoors.
In feeling that you are the only one of your kind and knowing that you are not alone.

You remain the difference.

In supporting those who ask "What am I doing this for?" and the answer when a child's smile says "It's me!"

In helping others to understand that there may not be a cure, but there is hope, you remain the difference.

In the simple question of "what more can I do?", you show us that our vision is not clouded, our hope is not without foundation, and our reasons to push forward are far greater than those to give up.

You our honorees, our volunteers, our care givers, our advocates and our sponsors. You are the early risers there to get the job done and the 11th hour respondents who some how save the day. You have been the ever faithful parent who is there to speak the truth and the do drop in friend who has never forgotten our cause. You are the new friends who find us refreshingly real and the old family members who can't seem to find your way home once you've been touched by our love. You are professionals, families, executives, communities, adoptees and the partners who make it possible for us to give all that we have, for as long as we can and still find a way just to do just a little more. You are our difference.

In this, the most trying economic time of our country's history, you have made it possible for countless children with Sickle Cell Disease to experience yet another year of Camp Crescent Moon. You have helped to raise funds that pay bills, provide services and give support to those who have no health care social services package to vote upon. You have made sure that our doors have stayed open as many pocketbooks have begun to close and for this we cannot say thank you enough.

So today, with the charge of informing you as to "What you mean to us." I say...If you have ever been unsure as to what your contribution has meant to the Sickle Cell Disease Foundation. You have simply been.

– SCDF Board member Maisha Hudson


Vital Sickle Cell Clinic opens thanks to Assemblymember Gipson


Treatment Strategies